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SNARK® Air Tuner

Varenummer: SN-AIR-1

inkl. mva.

More Hyde. Less Jekyll. Hides behind headstock. Fits behind almost any headstock so your audience is looking at you... not your tuner! No batteries to change!

More Hyde. Less Jekyll.
Hides behind headstock. Fits behind almost any headstock so your audience is looking at you... not your tuner!
No batteries to change!
Rechargeable. So you can focus on your music... rather than worrying that your battery may fail!
Snark Air® closeup
Lightning fast!
So fast... you can tune between songs without your fans starting to throw stuff!
Snark Air® top view
One touch operation!
No switches or buttons. Just tap Snark Air® and you are cleared for take off! Tap twice to change display to work well behind your headstock!
Spot on tuning!
The best "tune" you ever played!
Snark Air® closeup
Stunning display!
Picasso, Monet... nothing is as beautiful as this display!
Snark Air® top view
Ready light!
You always know if SNARK AIR® is on!
Lower your profile!
Nothing hanging off your headstock! Your audience sees only you and your instrument.
Forhandler E-post Telefon Adresse
9900 WATT AS post@9900watt.no 90 62 23 11 KIRKENES
Gh4s As / 4Sound Web order@gh4s.no 38 60 20 90 OSLO
GITARHUSET ALNABRU AS alnabru@gitarhuset.no 40 55 34 00 OSLO
Gitarhuset Oslo As GHinvoice@gh4s.no 22 17 02 30 OSLO
HORNAAS MUSIKK AS butikk@hornaas.no 23 32 77 70 OSLO
AAGAARD MUSIKK AS post@aagaardmusikk.no 33 46 18 60 SANDEFJORD
TOLGA-TYNSET MUSIKK AS post@tolgamusikk.no 950 96 139 TOLGA
Musikkverden As post@musikkverden.no 0922 95 998 TROMSÖ
RÖJDEMO MUSIK rojdemo@telia.com 070-664 7001/070-580 6978 TÖCKSFORS
BRYE FOTO OG MUSIKK jbrye@online.no 32 08 10 81 ÅL
MUSIKKTORGET AS post@musikktorget.com 70 15 34 00 ÅLESUND
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